Remo D’Souza Viral Video: Renowned Indian Choreographer and filmmaker Remo D’Souza has recently made headlines after he posted a video of him visiting the Maha Kumbh at Prayagraj. What caught the attention of the netizens was his ‘disguise’ in a black-colored outfit. In the viral video, Remo walks through the streets of the Kumbh Mela while covering his face. He can be seen taking a boat ride and a holy dip at the Sangam.
Meanwhile, another video shows him seeking blessings from Shri Kailashanand Giri, further fueling the speculations of netizens. His unexpected appearance has sparked a flurry of reactions on social media, with many users questioning ‘If he is back to his original roots’. Before rising to fame, the choreographer’s original name was Ramesh Gopi Nair.
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