A monkey trying to fly a kite in Varanasi, Uttar Pradesh has captured the attention of netizens. The video is going viral on social media and received 452k views so far. ‘Dalimss News’ posted the video and wrote, “In a sky-high spectacle, a mischievous monkey in Varanasi took control of a kite, leaving locals gasping in amazement. With a natural flair for flight, this little primate might just be the next big thing in kite-flying competitions!”
How Did Netizens React?
In the video, the monkey can be seen holding the thread (Manjha in hindi) and flying the kite effortlessly, like a pro kite flyer. The act of monkey has impressed the netizens.
One user wrote, “It happens only in India”, highlighting several viral moments that garner attention on the internet. Another user appreciated the talent of monkey and added, “You have no idea what monkeys are capable of.”
A user took funny dig on the video and said, “Uski chakri pakadne k liye uske paas bandar dost bhi nhi h” which simply translates to “He doesn’t even have monkey friends to catch his chakri.” Another user wrote, “Monkey be like- Aaj patang tumhara bhai udayega.”
Watch The Video:
This is not the first time that a video featuring monkeys doing unusual things has gone viral. Earlier, a video of a monkey reacting to the chanting of ‘Hare Rama’ and ‘Shree Ram Jai Ram’ had also gone viral. In that video, a woman is seen chanting ‘Hare Rama’ and ‘Shree Ram Jai Ram’ in front a monkey in a restaurant. The monkey appears to be carefully listening the chanting and trying to figure out what’s happening. As the chanting continues, the monkey looks straight into the eyes of woman. After few seconds, the monkey jumps on woman, sits on her lap and holds her. As the chanting grows louder, the monkey can be seen nodding his head to the tunes of the chant like a devotee immersed in devotion. The monkey even hugs the lady at the end.
Also Read: Viral Video: Monkey’s Reaction To ‘Hare Rama’ Chants Will Surprise You, Netizens Call It ‘Epic’