Viral: A couple from the US themed their wedding as Harry Potter and spends around Rs 20 lakh. As soon as they shared the pictures, netizens trolled the couple.
The couple’s ‘magical matrimony’ Craig proposed to the couple during their visit to Hogwarts Castle at Harry Potter World in Orlando. They had their first dance while clutching wands after taking their vows in front of the Deathly Hallows symbol.
The couple encouraged their guests to dress in colours that symbolised the many Hogwarts houses they had been assigned to on their invitation cards for the bid day.
Craig and Katherine stated that they don’t care what people think or say because they adore their wedding.
Craig said, “It never really bothered us but I didn’t realise how much people on the internet think that their opinions matter. A lot of people kept saying stuff like “I’m sure everyone in the audience is so uncomfortable”, and the ring bearer must be so embarrassed” but that couldn’t be further from the truth.”
He added, “There were a lot of people who loved it, but most of that was a mixture of comments like ‘Grow up’, ‘Harry Potter adults are worse than Disney adults’ and Why is the groom wearing a backwards hat?” “We both share a love for the series and because of that I proposed to her in front of Hogwarts Castle at Harry Potter World in Orlando.”
They both decided this during their first meeting and realise that they had to match Harry Potter tattoos.