Over a 7-minute delay, a woman allegedly abused a cab driver and spat while shouting at him. The video of the incident, recorded by the cab driver, was widely circulated on social media platforms. In the video, the woman can be heard shouting at the driver for arriving late despite the early booking. She shouted, spat, and used abusive language while threatening to report him to the cab service.
The cab driver explained that due to traffic congestion, he arrived late, but the situation escalated. A 2.7-minute video was uploaded on X with the caption, “This cab driver was 7 mins ‘late’.”
This Cab driver was 7 mins "late".
— Incognito (@Incognito_qfs) January 14, 2025
The woman who booked the cab abused the driver, threatened him and spat on him.
The Taxi Driver never lost his cool. He stayed calm & composed. It is good that he recorded the incident. Otherwise, Samaj would have declared himself the culprit… pic.twitter.com/hVlnSEFkb1
The woman who booked the cab abused the driver, threatened him, and spat on him. The taxi driver remained calm and composed throughout the incident. It’s fortunate that he recorded the situation; otherwise, society might have easily blamed him as the culprit. This woman should be banned from booking cabs all over India. She should buy her own car and travel.”
Over 555k people have viewed the video in the last 24 hours. “People need to learn the value of time as well. First of all, booking has become a time-consuming task. After 4-5 minutes, your cab will be booked. Furthermore, many cab drivers cancel the booking, which often frustrates the passenger. After multiple bookings, if the cab arrives late, that’s further frustrating. @Olacabs @Uber_India need to find a solution to this wait time & booking time,” commented one user.
A second user said, “She should be banned proactively by all cab services. It’s the responsibility of cab companies to protect their drivers from such rabid customers. @Olacabs @Uber_India – if he works with your platform, support this driver. Ban the lady from cab services.” Others also posted multiple videos of the woman misbehaving in public places.