Delhi: A shocking incident unfolded at Delhi Airport recently, where a passenger had his apple watch stolen shortly after security check. The event took an unexpected turn when the passenger placed his apple watch in the tray at Delhi Airport Terminal 3 but couldn’t find it while putting things back into his laptop bag. The passenger named Dr Tushar Mehta took to his X account to share details of the bizarre incident on January 25, 2025.
Mehta wrote, “I realised I don’t have my watch. I asked the CISF guy standing there. He asked me to look again in my bag, pocket, etc which I had already done. I turned around curiously & saw someone looking back at me while walking away. I didn’t care about what CISF guy was about to do or say & started walking for that guy.”
According to the passenger’s account, he followed the suspicious man and eventually ‘saw him standing at the titan watches Helios store.’ Determined to recover his property, he confronted him and retrieved his watch. “I confronted him & forcibly put my hand over his trouser pocket and I could feel the watch. The sales guy standing at Helios came over towards me & behaved weirdly as it had nothing to do with him. Forcefully I took out my watch (I am glad I could and I did),” he added.
Something strange & shocking happened today. I was at @DelhiAirport T3 a while ago at the security. I had put my Apple Watch in the tray for security check. The moment I crossed security, I started putting things back into my laptop bag. I could feel that something is missing & I…
---Advertisement---— Dr Tushar Mehta (@dr_tushar_mehta) January 25, 2025
What happened next? After a heated exchange, the passenger managed to get both the thief and the helios man’s name but was forced to leave the store in haste because of his flight.
The passenger further stated while on his way back to the gate, he was approached by a CISF who, along with the Helios guy named Shoaib questioned his behavior. Mehta noted that he was even asked to apologize. He remarked “I took out my phone called a senior official who’s been a patient for few years & put the phone on speaker. The CISF official spoke to him very briefly & immediately left saying ‘theek hai sir, aap jao’. He went back accompanying the Helios Guy.”
The passenger has since shared the details of the incident on his X to raise awareness about the importance of staying vigilant with belongings.
However, shortly after the incident details were shared, Delhi Airport responded to the passenger’s post, assuring him that the authorities have taken this matter strongly. The post read, “Dear Dr Tushar, We sincerely regret the inconvenience caused. The theft of your Apple Watch and the subsequent events are being taken very seriously. We assure you that we will take this matter up strongly with all relevant parties, including CISF and the concessionaire”