New Delhi: A video of Congress MP Shashi Tharoor is going viral on social media. The video shows him being asked a funny question by a fan girl. Tharoor’s answer to the question is further adorable. The incident occurred at the Lungleng Show that the politician attended during his visit to Nagaland.
The woman asked Mr Tharoor in the event, “So, how can someone be so astonishingly good-looking and charismatic and even more implausibly brilliant and intelligent at the same time?”
A 2-minute sidelight from my recent visit to Nagaland seems to be going around on @WhatsApp: here it is!
— Shashi Tharoor (@ShashiTharoor) March 6, 2023
Tharoor smiled and advised her to ‘choose your parents wisely’, “You are very sweet, very kind and generous, but all I can say is there are things that you can’t help. And there are things that you can change yourself to do. So, the way you look and all of that, honestly, all I can say is choose your parents wisely. It’s all in the genes.”
He even mentioned his reading habit which he began during his childhood, “But everything else you should work at it. I must say that reading, as I explained, became a habit in childhood. I have kept it up and therefore, I read a lot and I think I know a lot because I have retained a lot of whatever I have read.”
Tharoor captioned the video, ” 2-minute sidelight from my recent visit to Nagaland seems to be going around on @WhatsApp: here it is!”
Netizens reaction
A user wrote, “You have missed the boat Sir, you are intelligent and the country missed you and you have seriously missed the route and still believing the false Hopes, is really a pathetic.” Another user commented, “The question will be the answer one day and viceversa in the history papers so wait guys.”
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