Amid growing safety concerns, two young students from Uttar Pradesh have come up with a remarkable solution keeping women’s safety in mind. Amrit Tiwari and Komal Jaiswal have created a smart sandal equipped with unique features. While the sandals may look ordinary, they integrate hidden safety features. The slippers have been the talk of the town ever since their look and unique features started circulating on social media platforms.
Amrit and Komal, students at the RPIC School in Maharajganj’s Siswa Bazar worked together to design this innovative sandal. What makes it unique is the hidden button in the sandals located near the toe, which, when activated, can immediately send the wearer’s location. It can record or send audio messages as well.
Amrit explained that they developed an app that directly connects the technology embedded within the slipper to a smartphone. The app allows the wearer to send alerts to others in case of danger besides allowing audio recording.
Amrit further stated that they are considering adding a camera to the sandal as well. According to Komal, another sandal is designed as such to give a high-voltage electric shock to the attacker. They revealed that the sandal is developed at a budget of Rs 2500 per pair, suitable for women of all ages.
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