Tragedy struck in Prayagraj, Uttar Pradesh, as a young motorcyclist lost his life in a collision with an e-rickshaw that suddenly executed a U-turn on a bustling one-way bridge on Saturday. The incident, captured on CCTV footage, showed the e-rickshaw driver attempting to flee the scene after the motorcyclist fell to the ground.
I’ve always hated e Rickshaw because 99% of them don’t even follow rules and cause accident.
---Advertisement---Here biker d!ed because of sudden uturn. Gareeb h toh kya rules todenge ye rickshaw waley?
— Maxtern (@RealMaxtern) April 28, 2024
The victim, 21-year-old Akash Singh, was swiftly attended to by bystanders who rushed him to the hospital. Despite their efforts, Akash succumbed to his injuries on the way. His grieving father, Ashwani Singh, lodged a police complaint against the e-rickshaw driver, seeking justice for his son’s untimely demise.
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Consequently, concerns among commuters surfaced regarding the reckless driving practices often observed among e-rickshaw drivers. Many highlighted instances of non-compliance with traffic regulations and aggressive behavior on the roads. One commuter, expressing frustration, described e-rickshaw drivers as “bullies” who engage in confrontations and even violence when confronted about their driving habits.
While acknowledging the environmental benefits and convenience of e-rickshaws, commuters stressed the importance of ensuring adherence to traffic laws and regulations. They urged authorities to enforce stricter measures to curb reckless driving behavior, such as wrong-way driving and sudden turns, which pose significant risks to public safety.
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