A Telangana man has earned a spot for himself in the Guinness World Records for a bizarre yet extraordinary feat. Kranthi Kumar Panikera, popularly known as the ‘Drill Man’ has become the first person to set the record of stopping 57 electric fan blades within one minute with his tongue.
His daring stunt has catapulted him into spotlight attracting millions across the globe. Panikera’s feat became the talk of the town after the GWR posted a video of the event on its official social media handles.
Who Is Kranthi Kumar Panikera?
Kranthi Kumar Panikera, a resident of Telangana, Suryapet, is a quite popular face. His extraordinary past records and stunts has earned him recognition overtime. He made a record on February 2, 2024, on the set of Lo Show Dei Record, in Milan, Italy.
Most electric fan blades stopped using the tongue in one minute 👅 57 by Kranthi Drillman 🇮🇳 pic.twitter.com/dsH8FULHxW
---Advertisement---— Guinness World Records (@GWR) January 2, 2025
The viral video shared on January 2 has garnered over 18 Million views on X (formerly Twitter) and over 60 million views on Instagram. It features quick measured movements where Panikera, dressed in a colorful shirt, is seen displaying intense control of his tongue accompanied by physical durability. The ability to stop each fan blade at lightning speed is probably what caught the attention of the viewers.