New Delhi: Aman Gupta, CEO of boAt, shared a photo on Instagram of a kid’s answer sheet. In the paper, students were required to construct sentences using several terms in one sentence. The kid wrote the following when asked to form a sentence with the word “boat”, “boAt is a brand of headphones by Aman Gupta.”
The initial post was made by Instagram user @Patilvikram96, and Aman Gupta shared a screenshot of it on his own account. “A stands for apple, and B stands for bread.” “Petition to make this change in all textbooks,” Gupta said in the post’s caption.
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Netizens reaction
A user wrote, “This is the only sentence with no spelling mistakes”, another wrote, “The fact the teacher has put a tick mark”, the third person wrote, “Wowww! This is Interesting!”, the fourth user wrote, “The icing on the cake is – the kid knows that “a” in “boAt” has to be in caps.”
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