A techie from Karnataka made headlines after quitting his job on the first day itself due to his manager’s peculiar and dismissive attitude on issues related to work-life balance. He shared his story on Reddit a few days ago, highlighting the significance of leaving toxic work environments for health and self-respect.
From Startup To Job Search
The B.Tech graduate co-founded a startup immediately after college, in September 2022, working on product design and operations. Meanwhile, his co-founder funded their venture. However, the financial constraints forced him to look for a job elsewhere.
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A Troubling First Day Experience
Recalling how things turned worse on his first day, the techie said, “I started looking for a job. The interview took place in August for the applied position. After I finished two lengthy assignments (80+ hours of work, one of which I later found out was directly related to their product), they finally offered me the job by the end of September. The salary offered for the position was below average, but I accepted it as the job was remote and would allow me to make time for my startup after work hours and on weekends.”
Quit My Job on the 1st Day After Standing Up to a Toxic Boss. Email attached in the comments.
byu/Old-Ad169 inindia
Manager’s Mockery
On October 7th, by the end of his first day at work, the techie was expected to do excessive hours without overtime pay by his manager. When he outlined his concerns about ‘work-life balance,’ his manager dismissed calling it a fancy word and Western behavior. He said, “When I tried to establish boundaries, he mocked me for talking about “work-life balance,” calling it a “fancy term” and “Western developed nation behavior.” He also ridiculed my desire for time to read and exercise, dismissing it as an excuse.”
Techie Explains The Reason Behind His Post
This toxic work culture was the reason for the techie to leave the job. He explained, “I’ve seen too many people endure such toxic environments without speaking up, and I want to remind everyone that it’s okay to leave a bad situation, even on day one. Toxic work culture isn’t worth compromising your health and self-respect.
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