Instagram influencer Sarthak Sachdeva recently posted a video about his visit to a PVR movie theatre, where he watched the Bollywood film ‘Bad Newz’ starring Vicky Kaushal, Triptii Dimri, and Ammy Virk. In the video, Sachdeva shows how he and his friend repeatedly refilled an unlimited popcorn tub, finishing the first tub in just 15 minutes despite the distractions of the movie. By intermission, they had refilled the tub three times.
Eventually, they began collecting popcorn in a bag, amassing 3 kg. They shared it with other moviegoers and even handed some out to people outside the theatre.
Ricky Kej, a three-time Grammy winner, was among the first to comment, praising Sachdeva for “avenging all the overpriced popcorn we’ve paid for over the years.”
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Reactions varied, with some users humorously expressing concern that PVR might impose a refill limit, while others marveled at how Sachdeva managed to carry out the large bag of popcorn. One user commented, “That’s how we should all unite and finish the 400 rs popcorn,” while another asked, “How did you even leave with that sack?”
Additional comments included, “Brothers avenged on everyone’s behalf,” and playful warnings like, “PVR Wants to Know Your Location.” One user shared their own experience, saying, “I did a smart move, collected 100 ₹ from the whole row and shared it, making a profit on refills.”
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