Viral: A woman named Antonia tweeted that she has been packing extra lunch for her son’s friend. His son, who is in college, once noticed a man in college who was not eating for two weeks and started sharing his food with him, and now she is packing two lunch boxes for his son.
My son made friends with a young man at college who he noticed over the last few weeks isn’t eating anything
He’s started sharing his lunch with him & the young man confessed he is starving
I now make 2 packed lunches so they can both concentrate on doing well in class
— Antonia (@flaminhaystacks) March 24, 2023
Antonia, a Twitter user, told her followers that she has been packing extra lunches for her son’s college friend. She captioned a photo of her packed lunch, “My son made friends with a young man at college who he noticed over the last few weeks isn’t eating anything. He’s started sharing his lunch with him & the young man confessed he is starving. I now make 2 packed lunches so they can both concentrate on doing well in class.”
Netizens Reaction
A user complimented the woman and shared her situation and why she can’t do so, “You have clearly raised an empathetic, aware young man with a good heart. So nice that his new friend accepts the lunches, too. I’ve been too poor to afford school food and know how shameful it feels, even if it’s not our fault. Good job, mama.” Replying to her Antonia commented, “I’m sorry you’ve experienced this too and the shame that goes with it, even though, as you say it’s not your fault.”