Hardoi: In Uttar Pradesh’s Hardoi, a man built a two-storey underground house in 12 years. The house has eleven rooms, a mosque, staircases, a gallery, and a painting room.
Irfan, popularly known as Pappu Baba, started construction of the underground home in 2011 and he is even planning to expand it further. With the help of Khurpa, he made ancient carvings on the walls of the palace. He spends most of his time in the palace before returning to his home to dine with his family.
Anyone who sees Irfan’s handiwork in this two-story house built under the ground becomes a fan of his art. Irfan says that he is still trying to make it better. He is a resident of Kheda Bibijai in Shahbad.
#WATCH | Uttar Pradesh | In Hardoi, a man builds an underground two-storeyed house with 11 rooms, over a span of 12 years. pic.twitter.com/2siU0K5LHc
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According to reports, Irrfan lived with his family till 2010, but after his father’s death, his life took a sudden turn. He unsuccessfully tried to contest from his constituency. The multiple setbacks forced Irrfan to leave his home, which turned out to be one of the worst episodes of his life. Despite these setbacks, he never gave up and moved forward with relentless dedication.
After finding a deserted place, he got the idea to build an underground palace. After succeeding in that, he fought his way to dry land. Irfan’s continuous commitment and drive made farming possible. Now he is making a living by farming here. A well was also built here but some destroyed it.
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