New Delhi: Flipkart’s Mobile Bonanza sale has begun. The Deal of the Day offers a bumper discount on the Realme C30. The 2GB RAM and 32GB storage variant of the Realme C30s is priced at Rs 9,999, which has been made available for sale on Flipkart for Rs 6,999. A 5000mAh battery has been added to the Realme C30s smartphone. A 120Hz refresh rate is also available. In addition, 1TB memory card support was provided in the Realme C30s smartphone.
Bumper discount on Realme C30s
Flipkart sale is offering Rs 700 discount on purchase of Realme C30s smartphone with Axis Bank Credit Card. While Rs 700 discount is also given on HDFC Bank Credit Card. 6,450 exchange offer is available on purchase of Realme C30s smartphone.
If you avail the entire exchange offer, the price of the Realme C30s smartphone will drop to Rs 549. A one-year manufacturing warranty is available with the purchase of the phone. A 7-day exchange is available on the Realme C30s smartphone. This means that if you don’t like the Realme C30s, the phone can be exchanged in 7 days.
Realme C30s Specifications
The Realme C30s smartphone has a 6.5-inch HD+ display. Its refresh rate is 60 Hz. Its touch sampling rate is 120 Hz. The screen-to-body ratio is 88.7%. It has a notch for water drops. There is an 8MP camera on the back. While a 5MP camera is available at the front. For power backup, the Realme C30s smartphone has a 5000mAh battery.
While the octa-core UniSoC SC9863A processor was given in the phone as the processor support. It was also given a PowerVR GE8322 GPU. The phone supports a 1TB memory card. This phone runs on Android 12 based Realme UI Go Edition.