A noble gesture by customers brought a heart-touching surprise for a Zomato delivery agent in Ahmedabad on his birthday while he was on the job. In heavy rains, a customer noticed his special day and made it special. The heart-touching moment was captured on video and has since gone viral on Instagram, bringing a smile to many online.
Surprise Birthday Cheer For Delivery Agent
On a random cold Ahmedabad evening, a Zomato delivery agent had to go out and work all day on his birthday. While on the delivery of food to customers, they realized it was his birthday and hence decided to make his day special. A surprise awaited him at the customer’s doorstep, singing the “Happy Birthday” song. A gift was presented to him along with the singing of the birthday song, coupled with their best wishes.
Heartwarming Surprise In Stormy Weather
The act of kindness stood out because of the rough working conditions the delivery agent had to face. Heavy rain can be quite a challenge, and this gesture from the client added a personal touch that might as well have brightened his day up. A video of this surprise has resonated with many people, showcasing the impact of simple acts of kindness.
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Social Media Reaction To This Gesture
The above video has been shared by a user named Aakib Shaikh on Instagram, and it has gained almost 2 million views since being posted a week ago. This video has been viewed many times, and it is filled with likes and comments of people praising this move. A user commented, “My God, this is so wholesome.” Another user said, “We need more people like you guys.” Some of the other users also shared similar sentiments, reflecting on their own experiences with delivery services and how this act of kindness was well different.
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