A woman broke the tower gate of Nirala Estate Society in Greater Noida West. A video of the incident went viral on social media, and it was captured on CCTV cameras installed in the reception area of the tower. Later, society officials called the police, and heated arguments ensued between the officials and the woman in the presence of the cops. The woman accused the society officials of being biased and causing trouble for her family. She also blamed the society guards.
The woman alleged that the society officials deliberately disconnected the power to her flat and had been misbehaving with her family for a long time. She also claimed that her son was being denied access to the clubhouse.
The society officials refuted her allegations. According to reports, the woman was a tenant in the society, which she confirmed in a viral video during the argument. Netizens also reacted to the video, with some suggesting that people living in high-rise societies have lost their patience and sense of decorum.