Viral: Actor Arya Parvathi recently announced her mother’s pregnancy in her 40s. The actor welcomed her baby sister in her 20s. A post on her Instagram account describes that her mother’s pregnancy came as a shock to her at first, but later she accepted the situation and was overjoyed to welcome the baby girl.
The post caption reads, “One phone call changed my life. Last year, a few days before I was supposed to go back home for my vacation, I got a call from Appa. He seemed restless. A few minutes later, he said, ‘Amma is pregnant.’ I didn’t know how to react…that’s not something you just hear your parents say at 23. To say I was shocked would be an understatement.”
While talking about her parents, she mentioned how they were both scared and ashamed to break the news to her, “After Appa gave me the news, he said they had kept it a secret because they didn’t know how I would react. A few days later, when I reached home, I fell on Amma’s lap & started crying. I said, ‘why would I be ashamed?’ I had wanted this for so long.”
Remember the film ‘Badhaai Ho’ featuring Ayushmann Khurrana? The film not only broke the taboo of late pregnancies but also addressed the intimacy between middle-aged couples. It received a lot of positive feedback from the audience, and Neena Gupta even won the Critic’s Choice Award at the 64th Filmfare Awards for her performance.