A recent viral video from Ahmedabad has left social media users shocked and appalled as a customer was seen physically assaulting a bank manager over a TDS deduction in his fixed deposit has gone viral on social media. The incident, which took place at a local branch, quickly spread across various social media platforms, sparking outrage. The video, captured by a bystander, shows the customer confronting the bank manager before escalating into a violent outburst, with the customer seen beating the manager.
A customer allegedly assaulted the Union Bank Branch manager over a TDS issue in Ahmedabad.
pic.twitter.com/bQo7WTtjL6---Advertisement---— Neetu Khandelwal (@T_Investor_) December 7, 2024
The Incident Caught On Camera
The video shows a heated argument between the customer and the bank manager. What begins as an intense verbal exchange quickly spirals out of control, with the customer physically attacking the manager. Bystanders can be heard reacting in disbelief, but no one intervenes as the situation escalates. The video ends with the customer storming out of the bank after the assault, leaving the visibly shaken bank manager behind. The incident was shared widely, with viewers condemning the customer’s violent actions and calling for stronger measures to prevent such occurrences in the future.
Netizens React
The video has sparked an uproar online, with many condemning the customer’s actions as completely unacceptable. Social media users have expressed their anger and sadness over the situation, with several calling for strict action against the assailant. A user expressed disappointment over this incident and shared a post on this.