Gwalior: Santosh Patel, SDOP Ghatigaon of the Gwalior district, has made news yet again. This time, the Madhya Pradesh Home Department congratulated their DSP by uploading a heartfelt video. DSP shared this video on Facebook to commemorate International Women’s Day and Holi. In this video, a police officer sets an example of empathy by giving an elderly couple walking on the road a lift in his official car and driving them both to their home.
“Vehicles do not ply on Holi day, and an elderly couple was strolling on the motorway,” DSP Santosh Patel said. In the downpour, hail was falling. As a human being, he attempted to carry out his responsibilities. We fed her sweets when she asked for a ten-dollar bill and ten-dollar coin from the end of her dhoti (saree) as rent. While Maa ji was tying 20 rupees at the end and thanking us, it appeared that these were the best Holi wishes for us…
Today is also International Women’s Day. In English, a woman is referred to as a woman, which those with weak ideologies refer to as a man’s weakness, i.e. a woman is a man’s weak side. Women, in my opinion, represent the wings of men.
Whether it is a bird or a helicopter, they fly across the sky on the strength of their wings, and those who have a strong woman’s hand behind them become great. An Indian woman is distinguished by the absence of defects. You must have never seen somebody intoxicated while smoking ganja, rubbing tobacco, or burning beedi. You must have noticed retaining just family and societal ideals. I honour such a mother, sister, and daughter. Under your protection, the Madhya Pradesh Police…”
The Madhya Pradesh Home Department shared this DSP post, writing, “Khaki became useful… During Holi, an elderly couple was wandering on the motorway due to car inactivity when the DSP of Gwalior, Ghatigaon, passed by. Santosh Patel’s eyes dropped. He stopped over and offered the pair a lift, and drove them to their village.”
This isn’t the first time police officer Santosh Patel has been talked about. The cop recently uploaded a video of a heartfelt discussion he had with his mother. The police officer’s mother could be seen working on the farm in the video.
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