New Delhi: What’s winning on the internet today is a moving story of a mother-son duo from the Indian Armed Forces. This is the story of a son who followed the footsteps of his mother, Major Smita Chaturvedi (Retd), to become an Army officer has surfaced online. Chaturvedi’s son got commissioned into the Indian Army from the same academy in Chennai on Saturday from where she had passed out 27 years ago.
A rare euphoric moment for a Lady Officer:
Major Smita Chaturvedi (Retd) Commissioned from Officers Training Academy, Chennai before 27 years in 1995, saw her son getting Commissioned in the same manner in the same Academy today. @artrac_ia @SpokespersonMoD @DefenceMinIndia— Defence PRO Chennai (@Def_PRO_Chennai) July 30, 2022
The special story of the retired major was shared by the official Twitter page of Defence PRO Chennai. “A rare euphoric moment for a Lady Officer: Major Smita Chaturvedi (Retd) Commissioned from Officers Training Academy, Chennai before 27 years in 1995, saw her son getting Commissioned in the same manner in the same Academy today,” read the tweet that shared a happy photo of the mother-son duo. Take a look at it below:
In a video shared by the PRO Chennai, Major Smita Chaturvedi (Retd) congratulated all the cadets passing out. She also recalled her time in the Academy and said that the new cadets were far ahead of her generation and were equipped to face any challenge. Major Smita Chaturvedi(Retd) was also ‘euphoric’ about witnessing the ceremony. She even praised the Officers Training Academy for doing a good job and grooming the cadets well.
Maj Smita Chaturvedi(Retd) reminisces her old days of being a Cadet in the illustrious Academy and ecstatic about her son re-enacting the glorious script of joining Army like herself. @adgpi @artrac_ia @smritiirani @MinistryWCD @DefenceMinIndia @IaSouthern @PIB_India @DDNewslive
— Defence PRO Chennai (@Def_PRO_Chennai) July 30, 2022
Netizens are in love with the “rare euphoric moment for a Lady Officer.”