New Delhi: WhatsApp, owned by Meta, is working on several new updates for its Microsoft Windows app. One of the highly anticipated features, screen sharing during video calls, is reportedly being tested. WABetaInfo reveals that the latest update for WhatsApp on Windows, version 2.2322.1.0, available on the Microsoft Store, includes this feature. Beta testers can experiment with screen sharing during video calls, allowing the host to display content on their screen to others.
Previously, the screen sharing feature was reported to be available for WhatsApp for Android beta. After beta testing, the feature will be rolled out to a wider audience in future updates. According to WABetaInfo, users will be able to share their screen by selecting the corresponding option from the video call control panel. They can choose to share a specific window or their entire screen with everyone connected to the call. Notably, this feature will only work if the video call is initiated using the Windows app.
WABetaInfo mentions that while using the screen-sharing feature, WhatsApp will have access to all visible information on the screen or played from the device. This includes sensitive information like passwords, payment details, photos, messages, and audio. However, users will have control over the feature and can stop sharing their screen at any time during the call by selecting the “Stop Sharing Screen” button, ensuring privacy and control.
Additionally, the WhatsApp for Windows beta is receiving the edit message feature. Users will be able to edit their messages, correcting typos or adding missed content. The feature is already available for some iOS and Android users and will soon be introduced to the WhatsApp Windows app. Once available, users can find an “edit” option within the message menu, allowing them to edit text messages. However, to maintain conversation integrity, WhatsApp will only permit message editing within 15 minutes of sending it.