New Delhi: WhatsApp has introduced a new Reaction Status feature for iOS users. WhatsApp users will be able to react to the status by sending a reaction, just like you can react to an Instagram story. Apart from that, the latest update also brings the much-awaited option to undo the “delete for me”.
WhatsApp releases Status Reaction, Undo for iOS users
As for the Apple App Store, the messaging platform has introduced two new features to users. Previous reports suggested that the company was working on a Status Reactions feature. Now the App Store has confirmed that the recent version 22.21.77 has introduced this feature.
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Users get eight reaction options: laugh, smile, clap, wow emoji, sad emoji, handshake, 100 emoji, and celebrate emoji. Unlike message reactions, WhatsApp does not allow users to choose from the platform’s library of emoticons.
In addition, the App Store also confirmed that users will now be able to undo their actions if they accidentally deleted any text. After using the “Delete for Me” feature, they will have a few seconds to use the “Back” option. This fixes a situation where a user mistakenly uses the “Delete for me” option.
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WhatsApp iOS has also received a new “Call Links” feature that allows users to share call links with anyone they want to invite. These links can be created for WhatsApp video calls and voice calls.
The latest WhatsApp for iOS update also introduced a new feature for group admins that will allow them to delete any message in a chat group, regardless of who sent it.
Anyone who wants to leave the group can do so silently, as only group administrators will be notified of their departure. Previously, all group participants saw notifications about who left the group.