New Delhi: WhatsApp has launched a new feature ‘Channel’ today. Meta, the parent company of the instant messaging platform, claims that it will deliver important updates of people and organizations to users in a private manner. Now there will be a chance to make followers like Instagram on WhatsApp too. With the help of WhatsApp channel, users will create channels, and people will follow them. A separate tab with the name of Updates will be found on WhatsApp with ‘Status’. From here users will be able to follow the favorite channel.
In this way, users will be able to take advantage of updates or information from different WhatsApp channels. In the new feature, WhatsApp has also taken care of your security. One of the most used instant messaging platforms in the world, ‘Channel’ is considered to be a major change in WhatsApp.
Till now you can do two-way conversation on WhatsApp, but this will not happen in WhatsApp channel. Let’s see how people will connect with each other in the new feature.
How will WhatsApp Channels work?
In the WhatsApp channel, users will be able to have one-way conversations only, that is, it is a one-way communication tool. Channel admins will be able to share text, photos, videos, stickers and polls with countless users at the same time. However, due to being one-sided, users will not get a chance to reply to the channel’s message.
Whatsapp has added a new tab Updates for the channel. In the new tab, users will be able to see the messages and updates of the channel.
How to join WhatsApp channel?
You can join the channel through direct link sent through chat, email or online post. Apart from this, the company is also making a directory. This will make it easy to search different channels like hobby, sports or local official.
In the new directory, people will be able to search channels according to their choice. There will be a sign of ‘plus’ in front of the channel, by clicking on which you can join.
Privacy on whatsapp channel
It is important to note one thing that the WhatsApp channel is not end-to-end encrypted. The followers of the channel will not be able to see the profile or phone number of the admin. Similarly, even the admin will not be able to see the phone number of the followers and also will not be able to see whom they follow. The history of the channel will be stored in WhatsApp for 30 days.
Currently, the WhatsApp channel feature has been launched in Singapore and Colombia. In the coming time, this feature will be introduced in other countries as well.