“#Hashtag” became a trending topic on X, after Elon Musk, the platform’s owner, requested that users should stop using hashtags. Musk made a public appeal, saying, “Please stop using hashtags. The system doesn’t need them anymore and they look ugly.” His request came in response to a user’s post, which featured an answer from X’s AI, Grok, addressing whether hashtags should still be used on the platform. User ask the Grok, “should I use hashtags or not on X?”
Please stop using hashtags. The system doesn’t need them anymore and they look ugly. https://t.co/GKEp1v1wiB
---Advertisement---— Elon Musk (@elonmusk) December 17, 2024
Grok’s response, filled with sarcasm, cautioned users against the use of the hashtags, labeling them a “ticket to nowhere” in the “grand scheme of digital obscurity.” The original post received massive attention on X, with over 25 million views and more than 3,000 likes.
According to a report by ‘Fox5’, the photo quote shared by Musk may be edited. When FOX5 asked the same question to Grok, the answer was different. “The use of hashtags on X (formerly Twitter) is a topic of debate with varying perspectives based on recent changes and user experiences,” said Grok, providing some additional information.
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Elon Musk Response Aside: What Do hashtags Do?
Social media users use hashtags to organize posts by topic. This helps others to find content related to specific subjects. Hashtags help people easily find posts about things they’re interested in. Moreover, social media experts have long recommended using hashtags as a strategy to boost visibility on platforms.
Hashtags with high usage can make topics trending on X. However, X Help Center recommends that the best way is to limit hashtag usage to two or less per post. As of now, there is no specified limit to use them.
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