New Delhi: Reliance Jio has told that it has started rolling out its True 5G network in Madhya Pradesh. According to Jio, it has started its 5G services in Indore and Bhopal. The company also said that by January 2023, all major cities of Madhya Pradesh like Jabalpur and Gwalior will get the facility of the company’s True 5G network. Apart from this, the company is planning to roll out its true 5G network in most cities of India by the end of December 2023.
Cities with Jio True 5G network
Jio has launched its Jio True 5G Network in Delhi, Ghaziabad, Gurugram, Noida, Pune, Nathdwara, Chandigarh, Mohali, Panchkula, Bhopal, Zirakpur, Kharar, Derabassi, Bengaluru, Hyderabad, Tirumala, Vijayawada, Guntur, Kochi. , has been made available in all 33 district headquarters of Gujarat, Visakhapatnam, Mumbai, Kolkata, Varanasi, Chennai, Mysore, Nashik, Aurangabad, Lucknow, Indore and Trivandrum.
Airtel 5G network cities
Talking about Airtel (Airtel 5G Service), its service is currently available in a total of 19 cities. These include Pune, Gurugram, Guwahati, Panipat, Delhi, Mumbai, Chennai, Varanasi, Nagpur, Siliguri, Gandhinagar, Ahmedabad, Hyderabad, Imphal, Shimla, Bengaluru, Visakhapatnam, Lucknow and Patna.
How to use Jio True 5G?
Jio’s True 5G Network is available to all 4G customers of Jio at no extra cost. However, in the cities where it has been launched, users will have to recharge their phone numbers with a minimum recharge value of Rs 239 to use the network. Also make it clear here that 4G users do not even need to change their SIM cards because Jio’s 4G SIM cards support 5G.