Another good news for the viewers of News24 as their favourite channel has seen a new surge for the new week. This time News24 has left behind once leading news channels as the likes of Zee News. BARC’s ratings for the last two weeks show that News24 has the highest viewership rate among all news channels. All the programs including election coverage shown by News24 are being liked a lot by the audience.
BARC has released the figures for the 16th and 17th week of the news channel as per which the GRP has increased to 5.9 in the 16th week and 6.9 in the 17th week. Thus it increased by 16 percent. During this period, the GRP of Zee News was 7.0 in the 16th week which fell to 6.8 in the 17th week. Thus it saw a declination of 3 percent and went below News24.
News24 has left behind not only Zee News but also Good News Today and News Nation. The channel has now come closer to the figure of ABP News. In the 17th week, the GRP of ABP News was 7.2 which is merely 0.3 more than News24.
Going great in growth
If one takes a look at the growth rate of market share, here too News24 has won. This rate was 4.8 percent in the 16th week, which increased to 5.8 percent in the 17th week. Thus marking a growth of 21 percent whereas the growth of Zee News was only 1 percent. If we talk about Good News Today, its growth was zero. Its condition in the 17th week is the same as the 16th. The leap in News24’s figures shows that it drives the taste and attention of the audience. The channel which has always put commitment and trust to the fore, is the favourite of viewers for its election coverage.