New Delhi: Netflix has introduced a new Ad-supported Basic Plan for its users, which will start from next month i.e. November. According to the company, this new ‘Basic with Ads’ plan of Netflix is currently to be rolled out in 12 countries. These countries include Australia, Brazil, Canada, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, Korea, Mexico, Spain, the UK and the US. Let us know from this article the price and other details of this plan.
Netflix’s ‘Basic with Ads’ plan price
The price of Netflix’s new ‘Basic with Ads’ plan is $6.99 in the US, which is around Rs 575 in Indian currency. Netflix has not announced any such plan in India yet. At present, Netflix’s Standard Plan is available in India better than Basic at a price of Rs 500. When and where will Netflix’s new ad plan come, let’s know-
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- From November 1 in Canada and Mexico
- From 3 November in Australia, Brazil, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, Korea, the United Kingdom and the United States
- In Spain from 10 November
Netflix Basic with Ads plan information
According to Netflix, the benefits of this new plan will be similar to its current basic plan but there will be some changes due to which its price will come down. Netflix’s Basic plan costs $9.99 in the US and the new Basic with Ads plan costs $6.99. Now let’s talk about the benefits of this new plan, then you should know that the content, Personalized User Experience and the maximum number of connected devices are the same as the basic plan.
Also Read :- Netflix to launch ad-supported plan in November at $7 per month
On both the plans, users will be able to use only 1 connected device. The difference with this will be that users will not be able to download movies or TV shows in the company’s new ad-based basic plan, as well as tell that some movies and shows will not be supported on the Basic with Ads plan. The company has also said that in this new plan, users will have 4 to 5 minutes of ad shows every hour.