New Delhi: Infinix has introduced its new laptop Infinix InBook X2 Plus in the market in India. Infinix has also launched Infinix 43Y1 Smart TV with this laptop. This new Infinix InBook X2 Plus laptop is quite light and slim and it has been given 11th Gen Intel Core Processor. This laptop has a 15.6-inch Full HD + IPC display, as well as a Full HD webcam is also present in it. Let us know about the price and specification of this slim laptop of Infinix.
Specification information of Infinix InBook X2 Plus
This Infinix laptop has a 15.6-inch Full HD Plus IPS display, which has a refresh rate of 60Hz. Also, it has 300 nits brightness. If we talk about the storage of this laptop, then tell that it has Windows 11 Home with 11th Gen Intel Core i7 processor and up to 512 GB of SSD storage with LPDDR4x RAM up to 16 GB.
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The Infinix InBook X2 Plus has a Full HD Camera and Dual LED Flash Light, as well as a Backlight Xstrike keyboard. Thin bezel is also present in this laptop. Apart from this, this laptop has dual microphone and 1.5W dual speaker setup has also been given.
This laptop from Infinix has a 50Wh battery, for which the company has claimed a backup of 10 hours. It has 65W USB Type-C fast charging support and also has Wi-Fi 5 and Bluetooth v5.1. The body of the laptop is made of aluminum alloy. (Aluminium Alloy) which is 1.49mm thin and its weight is not too much, it is only 1.58 kg.
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Infinix InBook X2 Plus Laptop Price
The starting price of this laptop of Infinix is Rs 32,990, which is listed on Flipkart. When this laptop is taken with 11th Gen Intel Core i7 processor, 16 GB RAM and 512 GB storage, it is available at a price of Rs 52,990. Also, let us tell you that Infinix InBook X2 Plus laptop can also be purchased with Intel Core i3, Core i5 or Core i7 processor.