New Delhi: Infinix has launched the Hot 20 Play smartphone in India, in which a large 6000 mAh battery has been used. This smartphone is offered with HD + display punch-hole design and has been given excellent features. If you also want to bring this smartphone home this Diwali, then we are going to tell you about its features.
Specifications and Features
If we talk about the processor, then the MediaTek Helio g37 chipset has been used in this smartphone as well as 64 GB and 128 GB storage variants are offered in the smartphone. The storage available in this smartphone can be increased even more and for this you will have to use a micro SD card.
If we talk about the display of this smartphone, then the company has offered a 6.82 inch IPS LCD display with which a refresh rate of 90 Hz is also available. The company has taken great care that you get a great experience on this display. If we talk about the camera, then there is a 13-megapixel primary camera in the back of the smartphone and along with it you are given an 8-megapixel selfie camera in the front.
If we talk about the strong battery of this smartphone, then it is 6000mh as we have already told you, with which you are also given 18 watt fast charge support, due to which this heavy battery can be charged easily. It is very fast, so you will not need to charge the smart phone again and again.