New Delhi: HP has launched its portable laptop Pavilion Aero 13 in the market today. The weight of the laptop is only 970 grams which makes it the lightest laptop in the market. You can buy this laptop in three colors, Pale Rose Gold, Warm Gold and Natural Silver color options. In this, you get a 13-inch display with 16:10 aspect ratio, as well as it is laced with AMD processor.
That’s the price
You will be able to buy HP Pavilion Aero 13 laptop through HP’s official website and e-commerce website Flipkart and Amazon. The base model of the laptop costs Rs 72,999 while the top end variant costs Rs 82,999. The base variant comes with AMD Ryzen 5 CPU while the top end variant comes with Ryzen 7 and 1TB SSD.
In HP Pavilion Aero 13 2023, customers get 13 inch 2.5K display which comes with 400 nits brightness. This laptop comes with AMD Ryzen processor. Apart from this, customers get USB A port, 3.5 mm headphone jack and a fingerprint sensor in the laptop. The keyboard of the laptop comes with backlight support. The company has claimed that this laptop can be used for 10.5 hours on a single full charge. HP Pavilion Aero 13 supports fast charging. The special thing is that the company has prepared the body of this laptop with plastic and water-based paint.
You can buy this laptop cheaply
You can buy Lenovo V15 G2 Core i3 11th Gen laptop from e-commerce website Flipkart for Rs.39,490. The laptop comes with 8 GB RAM, 1TB HDD and 256 GB SSD. In this, customers get 15.6 inch anti glare display.
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