Garena Free Fire fans in India have been eagerly awaiting the launch of the popular battle royale game for quite some time now. The developers announced that Garena would introduce the game in the country in September 2023. However, despite the time that has passed since the announcement, the game has not been released yet. Fans are growing impatient and expressing their anticipation on social media.
Fifteen months have passed, but Free Fire India has still not been released, and fans’ patience is wearing thin. Free Fire MAX is available in other countries, and the developers regularly post on social media to promote events related to it. The official handle recently shared a post about the new season of the Booyah Pass. In response, a fan asked the developers, “Where is the game?” He wrote in the post:
“Free Fire India kahan gaya tumhara… (Where did your Free Fire India go…)”
With the post, fans are suggesting that Garena may have forgotten about releasing the game, which is not a good sign.
Why Is Free Fire Launch Delayed In India?
The main reason for the delay in the release of Free Fire India is reportedly the server setup. The developers are working to establish servers in India to ensure that the data remains within the country. This is the primary cause of the delay in bringing the game to India. However, it is also true that the delay has been extensive, and now everyone is eager to see the game released as soon as possible.
Will Garena Free Fire India Make A Comeback?
In 2022, the Indian government banned Free Fire and 53 other apps linked to China. Rumors are now circulating that the game will make a comeback in the country in 2025, sparking excitement among fans. While Garena is likely to reintroduce the game in India, the exact launch date remains unknown. However, Garena’s recent job postings have fueled speculation that preparations for the relaunch might be underway. Although nothing has been officially announced yet, based on recent developments and speculations, the release could happen this year.
Reports suggest that Garena initially planned to relaunch the game in India in 2023, but it faced delays. However, the company’s LinkedIn job postings for various positions have sparked speculation about Free Fire’s possible comeback in the country.
Why Was Garena Free Fire Banned In India?
Free Fire reportedly violated the IT Act 69A, leading to its ban in India and subsequent removal from the Apple App Store and Google Play Store. At the time of the ban, Free Fire reportedly had over 10 million active users in India. Since then, speculation has been circulating about its return.