While some people use their own vehicles to go to college, school, office or other places, a large number of people use public transport. Meanwhile, many people prefer to travel by cab to save time and for safety. Booking a cab is very easy these days. There are many types of mobile apps with the help of which you can book a cab to wherever you want.
If you also travel by cab, then you must be aware of the fact that many times the cab driver asks people to cancel the ride and come along. What happens is that the money goes directly into the driver’s pocket and he does not have to pay commission to the cab company. At the same time, people also accept what they say without thinking.
Why should one not travel after canceling the ride?
- If you are traveling in the same vehicle after cancelling the ride then, this will not take any responsibilty if something goes wrong with you. In this case, you cannot hold the company responsible. Therefore, always travel by cab only after booking a ride.
- When you book a ride and travel by cab, your live location can be traced. Anyone close to you can monitor your location to check where have you reached. In such a situation, one mistake of the driver can cost him dearly. But if you cancel the ride and travel, it may be difficult to trace you.
- Whenever you travel through a company’s cab, the company insures you. Under this, if any accident happens during the journey, you can get the benefit of this insurance. But if you cancel the ride and travel, then you cannot avail the benefit of insurance in case of any accident.
What should be done?
- Do not cancel the ride due to the driver’s advice and do not travel with him.
- If a driver asks to cancel a ride, report it to the company
- While traveling, share your live location with your family, friends etc.
- Avoid traveling in any cab, always travel only by cabs of trusted companies etc.