New Delhi: During the festive season, many electronics companies are offering great discounts on their products. Many brands have started selling in the Diwali season. Japan’s popular electronic brand Aiwa has brought Diwali Sale. Where he is giving bumper discounts on Smart TVs. Smart TVs from Aiwa’s Magnific range are available at very low prices. If you want to get a smart TV with a new premium design, but the budget is less, then this cell can be of your use. 32-inch smart TVs can be bought at very low prices.
The launching price of AIWA MAGNIFIQ 32 inches Smart TV is Rs 29,990. But during the sale, the TV is available for Rs 17,990. You are getting this offer on the official website of the company. The television is an Ultra HD Smart TV, which is powered by Android 11 and comes with OTT support and a host of features.
Sale will run till 31 October
There will be free shipping upon ordering. That is, no extra charge will have to be paid. TV will be delivered in 4 to 5 days in metro city, while in other cities it will reach in 7 to 8 days. Consumers can avail these amazing deals from 26 September 2022 to 31 October 2022 and save up to 40% on every purchase. Apart from this, he also has a chance to win a trip to Maldives among other prizes worth Rs 50 lakh.
Aiwa Big Diwali Sale is a limited period offer wherein consumers will get an opportunity to qualify for lucky draw by purchasing any Aiwa product from authorized sellers. The lucky winner will have to visit the retail store or the official website.