Google seems to be working on launching a new version of the Android 16 in just a few months. The leaked data that has been circulation online potentially leaks the dates on which the beta versions of the android 16 update would be released. The android 15 update had been revealed in October 15 last year, but as of now google seems to be working on their next project for a launch before October. As per recent leaks its possible that Google might launch the new beta version of Android 16 this month.
The leak has further confirmed the dates on which the the upcoming beta version would be launched. The second and third beta version of the new android update would be launched respectively in February and March. The stable version might launch later but before October.
Beta Versions Launch Dates
Android Authority is a eminent institution in the android world and as per them Google is ready to push out the beta versions of the Android 16, before it can launch a stable version of the update. The information leaked from a comment on Andrew Gerrit where a Google Employee talked about the , tentative release dates of the Android 16 beta. As per the Comment the Beta 3 version would be launched anywhere around March 12.
As per the leak the Android 16’s first beta version is supposed to be launched by 22 January , but no notifications have been released as of yet. The Beta 2 version would be launched by Feb 22. The leak further confirms that the new beta versions would achieve stability by Mid March and set the stage for Beta 4 to arrive in April or May. The stable version of the android versions would be launched potentially before the end of quarter 2. The final version of the update would be launched before October.

Android 16 new features
The new OS revamp would help the phone have revamped volume controls, a sharper Ui and enhanced accessibility. The new update would help your equipment keep health records, better adaptive refresh rate and enhanced security and privacy.
Better performance along with improved battery performance also seem to be on the horizon. While whether the dates would be followed with the launched or not would soon become clear around January 22.