New Delhi: Recently, OnePlus, Boat and Realme earbuds with powerful features and great looks have been launched on Amazon, which cost less than Rs 2,000. Apart from long-lasting battery, fast charging and gaming mode, these earbuds have many other great features. Apart from the bumper discount, cashback benefits are also available on these
1-OnePlus Nord Buds CE Truly Wireless Bluetooth Headset
Great deals are available on OnePlus earbuds. These earbuds have been launched recently, whose MRP is Rs 2,699 but are available for Rs 1,999 after a 26% discount in the deal.
These earbuds have gray and white color options. Their design is quite elegant and they get charged for 80 minutes in 10 minutes of fast charging. It has 4 audio profiles from which you can choose the audio mode of your choice.
2-realme Buds Air 3S True Wireless Earbuds, 11mm Triple Titanium Driver, Quad Mic AI ENC for Calls, Dual Device Pairing, 30hrs Total Playback with Fast Charging
- This is also an offer on these newly launched earbuds of Realme. Their price is Rs 4,999, which is available for Rs 2,499 after 50% discount in the deal. These earbuds have 11mm liquid silicon triple titanium bass drivers.
- It has intelligent touch control with dual device pairing, which makes it easy to connect with realme devices. It has 4 mics for the best audio quality. These earbuds have a playback time of up to 30 hours and can be charged for 5 hours in 10 minutes.
3-boAt Newly Launched Immortal 121 TWS Gaming Earbuds with Beast™ Mode(40ms Low Latency), 40H Playtime, Blazing LEDs, Quad Mics ENx Signature Sound, ASAP™ Charge
- Great deals are also available on these newly launched earbuds by Boat. The price of earbuds is Rs 3,499 but there is a discount of 54% in the deal after which you can buy it for Rs 1,599.
- It runs for 40 hours on full charge. They also have the feature of quick charging, which charges for 2 hours in 10 minutes. For gaming, it has 40MS latency and beast mode. There are 4 mics for calling.
Disclaimer: This complete information has been taken from Amazon’s website only. For any complaint related to the goods, one has to contact Amazon only. News24 does not confirm the quality, price and offers of the products mentioned here.
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