52-year-old swimmer from Andhra Pradesh’s Kakinada district Shyamala Goli garnered headlines after creating history on January 4. Shyamala swam 150 km in the open sea from Visakhapatnam to Kakinada and created history at the shores of Suryaraopeta. The journey spanned around five days wherein Shyamala Goli swam around 30 km each day and completed the 150 km journey of sea from Visakhapatnam to Kakinada. Her feat is just not an individual milestone but an inspiration for all the people of every age who wish to achieve big ambitions.
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Shyamala Goli’s journey from Vizag to Kakinada was performed under the watchful eyes of the Coromandel Odyssee Ocean Swimming organisation. Goli has a dedicated team of 14 crew members which includes the medical staff and the scuba divers. All her team accompanied her throughout her journey which maintained her necessary safety and providing the crucial support.
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Who Is Shyamala Goli?
Shyamala Goli belongs to the Samarlkota village in the Kakinada district. This wasn’t the first time Shyamala showcased the example of her resistance and hard work. In the year 2021, the 52-year-old Kakinada swimmer swam all across Palk Strait whereas in February of that year achieved the milestone of swimming around the Lakshwadeep Islands to become the only woman to achieve double feats.