India’s star javelin thrower, Neeraj Chopra, has surprised his fans by announcing his marriage to Himani Mor in a private wedding ceremony. The 27-year-old Olympic gold medalist shared intimate photos of the event on his social media accounts, which quickly went viral. Prior to the announcement, Chopra had kept the wedding a secret, making the news even more surprising for many.
जीवन के नए अध्याय की शुरुआत अपने परिवार के साथ की। 🙏
Grateful for every blessing that brought us to this moment together. Bound by love, happily ever after.
नीरज ♥️ हिमानी— Neeraj Chopra (@Neeraj_chopra1) January 19, 2025
Who Is Himani Mor?
Himani Mor is from Larsauli, Haryana. She was a student at Little Angels School in Panipat. Then, she graduated with a Bachelor’s degree in Political Science and Physical Education from Miranda House in Delhi University.
Himani Mor: Life & Career
Currently, Mor is pursuing a Master’s in Sports Management and Administration at the McCormack Isenberg School of Management. She has also attended Southeastern Louisiana University. Besides academics, Himani is a tennis enthusiast. She worked as a part-time assistant coach at Franklin Pierce University and currently manages the tennis team at Amherst College as a graduate assistant.
Neeraj Chopra’s Olympic Achievements
Neeraj Chopra, who had won a historic gold medal at the Tokyo 2020 Olympics, made further history by becoming the second male athlete from post-independence India to secure two Olympic medals in an individual event. Last year, he earned a silver medal at the Paris 2024 Olympics, cementing his legacy as the only Indian athlete to win medals in two different Olympic Games—gold in Tokyo and silver in Paris.
Neeraj Chopra And Himani Mor Tie The Knot
The wedding occurred in India, according to Neeraj’s uncle Bhim, he told PTI. Himani Mor, a part-time student at the USA, has already started this new life with Chopra.
“Yes, the marriage took place in India two days back. I can’t tell the place where it took place,” Bhim told from his village at Khandra near Panipat in Haryana.
“The girl is from Sonipat and she is studying in the US. They have left the country for honeymoon and I am not aware of the places where they are going. We wanted to keep it like that,” said Bhim, who stays with the Olympic double medallist at Khandra, when asked about the surprise development.