Star Javelin thrower Neeraj Chopra and Himani Mor tied the knot recently and Chopra were subtly announced about the news by posting pictures on Instagram which immediately went viral. Prior to the announcement, Chopra had kept the wedding a secret, making the news even more surprising for many but the secret seems to have been exposed quite a while ago.
One of the users on Reddit had already revealed that Neeraj Chopra and Himani Mor will get married 5 months ago. In the post the user wrote “There was a rumour in the sportspeople’s network here in Haryana that Himani Mor would marry Neeraj Chopra. Did anyone else hear about it?”
Reddit knew about Neeraj Chopra and Himani Mor at least 5 months ago.
— Johns (@JohnyBravo183) January 19, 2025
reddit >>> twitter + news/social media
Also Read: Old Video Of Neeraj Chopra’s Wife Himani Mor Goes Viral – Watch
It is also suspected that Neeraj Chopra and Himani Mor were already in a long-term relationship before tying the knot but the Javelin star has remained silent about his private life. Both Neeraj Chopra and Himani Mor are from Haryana and have been actively involved in sports, While Neeraj Chopra achieved immense success by becoming two-time Olympic champion, Himani Mor is a professional lawn Tennis player and has worked as coach and manages Tennis team at Amherst College in USA.