A video of Virat Kohli and Anushka Sharma is going viral on social media. In it, they can be seen receiving blessings from Premanand Maharaj of Vrindavan. Their daughter Vamika and son Akaay are also visible in the video with Virat and Anushka. The way some users are sharing this video suggests that this meeting happened recently. Virat Kohli visited Premanand Ji Maharaj back in 2023 also.
Virat Kohli visited Shri Premanand Ji Maharaj with Anushka Sharma.
Virat kohli 2.O loading now. 🔥 pic.twitter.com/X98MgJjzWy---Advertisement---— Vivek (@hailKohli18) January 10, 2025
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The viral video of Kohli and Anushka Sharma is from January 2024, when both visited Vrindavan with their daughter Vamika and newly born Akaay. During this visit, they went to the ashram and had darshan of Swami Premanand. Video emerged of Virat and Anushka paying their respects at an ashram in Vrindavan. In this same video, both visited Baba Swami Premanand Ji Maharaj’s ashram and had darshan of Premanand Maharaj. Vamika and Akaay were also present with Virat and Anushka sitting in their laps. In the video we can see Anushka Sharma doing most of the talking.
“Aap bas Mujhe prembhakti dedo“. she said
To this Swamiji praised their devotion with a smile and said that he is glad that even after achieving great heights at their respective careers, they still are indulged in devotion of the almighty. We could also see him saying that Anushka Sharma’s influence on Virat Kohli regarding the religious devotion is seen evidently.