Indian cricketer Shikhar Dhawan, popularly known as “Gabbar,” has been making headlines recently due to personal matters. The court has recently approved his divorce from Ayesha Mukherjee, citing ‘mental cruelty’ as the reason for their separation. Dhawan has been living separately from his wife, and amidst these trying times, a video featuring him has gone viral, showing a humorous side to the cricketer.
The Viral Video: An Unusual Phone Call
Dhawan shared a video on his Instagram account that has taken the internet by storm. In the background, you can hear a dialogue, “Today my wife called, she was crying and apologizing. She says, forgive me Babu, I will do as you say, I will remain as you say. Just come home. I too felt filled with joy after hearing his words. Meaning, I don’t know whose wife it was, but she was very nice. May God give such a wife to everyone.”
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A Fun Take on Personal Challenges
The video showcases Shikhar Dhawan’s ability to bring humor into his personal challenges. It has garnered widespread attention and applause for his comic timing and acting skills. Notably, even former cricketer Virender Sehwag appreciated the video. Within an hour of its posting, nearly one lakh people, including cricketer Harpreet Brar, have shown their approval with likes and comments.
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Missing His Son, Zorawar: A Heartfelt Reminder
Previously, Dhawan had shared a touching moment where he had a video call with his son, Zorawar. He coupled this moment with a poignant line from Gulzar’s poetry: “There is a strange desperation without you.” It’s clear that Dhawan is deeply missing his son. While the court hasn’t granted him custody, it has allowed him to spend time with Zorawar in both Australia and India.
Shikhar Dhawan’s viral video not only showcases his lighter side but also serves as a reminder that humor and positivity can be powerful tools to navigate personal challenges. His ability to find joy amidst difficult times is a testament to his resilience, and fans are cheering him on as he continues his journey, both on and off the cricket field.