Reports of Indian cricketer Rinku Singh’s engagement to Samajwadi Party MP Priya Saroj have been making rounds on social media. However, Priya’s father, Tufani Saroj, has dismissed these claims in a conversation with India TV Digital. While confirming ongoing discussions between the families, he clarified that no engagement has taken place. Tufani Saroj, a three-time MP and current MLA from Uttar Pradesh, mentioned that his daughter is currently in Thiruvananthapuram for work commitments.
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Priya Saroj has an impressive background, having become one of India’s youngest MPs when she won the Machhlishahr constituency at age 25. A Supreme Court lawyer by profession, she completed her education at Delhi’s Air Force Golden Jubilee Institute, followed by graduation from Delhi University and an LLB degree from Amity University, Noida.
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Rinku Singh, meanwhile, rose to prominence through his performances in the Indian Premier League with Kolkata Knight Riders. His breakthrough moment came when he hit five consecutive sixes off Yash Dayal in a memorable match. The left-handed batsman has since established himself in the national team, playing two ODIs and 30 T20 internationals for India. In T20 internationals, he has amassed 507 runs with an impressive strike rate of 165.14.