Neeraj Chopra recently tied the knot with lawn tennis player Himani Mor. Himani Mor is from Larsauli, Haryana. She was a student at Little Angels School in Panipat. Then, she graduated with a Bachelor’s degree in Political Science and Physical Education from Miranda House in Delhi University.
जीवन के नए अध्याय की शुरुआत अपने परिवार के साथ की। 🙏
Grateful for every blessing that brought us to this moment together. Bound by love, happily ever after.
नीरज ♥️ हिमानी— Neeraj Chopra (@Neeraj_chopra1) January 19, 2025
Also Read: Who Is Himani Mor? The Mystery Girl, Now Married To India’s Golden Boy Neeraj Chopra
Old Video Of Himani Mor Goes Viral
In a recent video that is circulating on X (formerly Twitter), fans are speculating that its none other than Neeraj Chopra’s wife Himani More. She is seen giving her introduction as a lawn tennis player and tells about how all the people can read everything related to her on Khel Haryana.
In the video she says: “My name is Himani Mor and I am a Tennis player from Haryana. You can read all the news related to me on Khel”
Yahi himani mor hai kya ?
— The Rathore (@TheRathore3) January 19, 2025
Himani Mor: Life Career And Family
Himani Mor is a talented tennis player with an impressive educational and professional background. She completed her studies at Southeastern Louisiana University and has a strong coaching experience, having served as a Volunteer Assistant Coach in tennis at Franklin Pierce University. Currently, she works as a Graduate Assistant at Amherst College, where she manages the women’s tennis team, overseeing training, recruitment, budgets, and scheduling. Additionally, Himani is pursuing a Master’s in Sports Management & Administration at the McCormack Isenberg School of Management in the USA. Her passion for sports runs deep, influenced by her father, a retired bank officer who built a sports complex in his village to train local players, particularly in circle Kabaddi.