Neeraj Chopra recently tied the knot with Tennis player from Haryana, Himani Mor. She is pursuing a Master’s in Sports Management & Administration at the McCormack Isenberg School of Management in the USA. Her passion for sports runs deep, influenced by her father, a retired bank officer who built a sports complex in his village to train local players, particularly in circle Kabaddi.
Himani Mor’s Career & Goal
In her Linkedin post, she mentioned about her career, experience and goal.
“With over fourteen years of experience in sports and two years in sport management and administration, I am a passionate leader who works towards making sports an integral part of our lives. I believe that sports can transcend the boundaries of borders, colors, or physical identities, and foster a culture of diversity, inclusion, and empowerment.
Also Read: Old Video Of Neeraj Chopra’s Wife Himani Mor Goes Viral – Watch
As a graduate assistant at Amherst College, I manage the college’s women tennis team, overseeing training, scheduling, recruiting and budgeting. At the same time, I am also pursuing my MS in this field from McCormack Isenberg School of Management. I excel at communication and team motivation, and I enjoy collaborating with students, faculty, and staff to create a positive and engaging learning environment. My goal is to leverage my skills and knowledge to advance the field of sport management and administration, and to contribute to the development and success of the sport industry.” Himani wrote in her Linkedin bio
scrolled Himani Mor LinkedIn Profile
— Hairat हैरत (@Hairat013) January 19, 2025
A good example pursuing sport Career with good academic
Himani Mor is in professional sports fitness mgmt & administration
🇮🇳 study and sport both face difficult#NeerajChopra #नीरज_चोपड़ा#हिमानी #Neeraj_Chopra #हिमानी_मोर
Himani Mor Education
Himani Mor is highly educated and well-versed in both academics and sports. After completing her Bachelor’s degree in Political Science from Miranda House, she pursued further studies in Sports Management at Southeastern Louisiana University. From 2019 to May 2022, she earned dual MBAs in Sports and Fitness, as well as in Human Resources Management. Currently, she has completed her Master of Science in Sports and Fitness Administration from the prestigious Isenberg School of Management at UMass Amherst.
Also Read: Who Is Himani Mor? The Mystery Girl, Now Married To India’s Golden Boy Neeraj Chopra
Neeraj Chopra Marries Himani Mor
Neeraj Chopra has tied the knot with Himani in a beautiful wedding ceremony. The Olympic winner announced the news of his wedding by posting the pictures with his wife on Instagram. Speaking to PTI, Neeraj Chopra’s uncle mentioned about the wedding that it took place 2 days ago and the couple is already headed to USA for their honeymoon.
Neeraj Chopra, who had won a historic gold medal at the Tokyo 2020 Olympics, made further history by becoming the second male athlete from post-independence India to secure two Olympic medals in an individual event. Last year, he earned a silver medal at the Paris 2024 Olympics, cementing his legacy as the only Indian athlete to win medals in two different Olympic Games—gold in Tokyo and silver in Paris.