Neeraj Chopra recently got married to Tennis player Himani Mor in a very dreamy private ceremony. As of 2025, Neeraj Chopra’s net worth is estimated at around Rs 37 crore, a significant rise from Rs 25 crore prior to the Paris Olympics. This surge reflects not only his achievements in athletics but also his growing commercial value. Neeraj’s income comes from a variety of sources, including earnings from international competitions, lucrative endorsement deals, and his position as a Junior Commissioned Officer in the Indian Army.
Neeraj Chopra’s Income
According to reports, Neeraj Chopra earns approximately Rs 30 lakh per month which brings his annual income to over Rs 4 crore. He further works with prominent brands which gives a massive boost to his income. Overall Neeraj Chopra has a net worth of Rs 37 crore.
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Neeraj Chopra’s Luxurious Lifestyle
Neeraj Chopra resides in a beautiful three-story bungalow in his hometown Khandra which is near Panipat, Haryana. Chopra has gained massive success after his heroics in Olympics.
Also Read: Who Is Himani Mor? The Mystery Girl, Now Married To India’s Golden Boy Neeraj Chopra
Neeraj Chopra Ties The Knot With Himani Khor
India’s star javelin thrower, Neeraj Chopra, has surprised his fans by announcing his marriage to Himani Mor in a private wedding ceremony. The 27-year-old Olympic gold medalist shared intimate photos of the event on his social media accounts, which quickly went viral.