Neeraj Chopra, the two-time Olympic medallist, recently got married to former tennis player and sports management graduate, Himani Mor. The 27-year-old athlete took to social media on Sunday to share glimpses of their picturesque wedding, which was a private affair attended only by their closest family members. According to Neeraj’s uncle, Surendra Chopra, Neeraj Chopra and Himani Mor first met in the United States.
Neeraj Chopra And Himani More Took Families Approval
“Both Neeraj and Himani are athletes. They knew each other. They had met each other in the US. Neeraj knew best who he wanted to spend his life with. He then took permission from the family, and once that was all sorted, he decided to get married to Himani,” Surendra Chopra told Aaj Tak.
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The Dreamy Wedding Took Place In Himachal Pradesh
Neeraj, after getting approval from his family, decided to marry Himani. The marriage ceremony was arranged by Neeraj’s uncle in Himachal Pradesh and took place between January 14 and 16. Interestingly, the priest performing the ceremony was not aware of Neeraj’s identity. Although he gained success in numerous ways, having won a silver medal in Paris Olympics 2024, still Neeraj refused any type of dowry and instead allowed the guardian accepting only INR 1. Himani also spend a little time at Neeraj’s native village before exchanging the marital vows.
‘Love Plus Arranged Marriage’
“It is a love plus arranged marriage. Neeraj and Himani took permission from their parents, and then they went ahead with it,” he added.
Also Read: Old Video Of Neeraj Chopra’s Wife Himani Mor Goes Viral – Watch
Neeraj Chopra’s Family Strictly Against Dowry
“We have always been against the practice of dowry. Our family doesn’t believe in the concept of dowry. We just took one rupee as ‘shagun’,” Neeraj Chopra’s uncle said.
Neeraj Chopra’s Instant Decision To Get Married
“Neeraj has competitions lined up for the next two years. So if he didn’t get married now, it would have been postponed for 2 years. There were reasons for them to get married now. It wasn’t a big function, it was a family function. Only 65-70 people were invited, only people from both the families were there,” said Surendra Chopra.
“It was a destination wedding in Himachal Pradesh. We spent three days in the mountains. We had a lot of fun. Neeraj is a normal person. It was good-quality family time,” he added.