Australia beat India in the Boxing Day Test match in Melbourne on Monday by 184 runs. The Indian captain, Rohit Sharma was once again unsuccessful to create an impact from the bat and stabilising the top order batting. He was dismissed at 3 and 9 runs in the 1st and 2nd innings respectively during the Melbourne test. During the post match press conference he said that the young players should have played for more time.
“It was a good opportunity to bring the game toward us or draw it, tried it, but again a lot of guys thta you talk about who have made runs could have played longer, but they are new and young and could do it for the team in future matches.” he said.
Wtf rohit sharma blamed youngsters for the loss?
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Although he did not mention any names specifically but he signalled that the young players should have stick to the crease for more time. This created confusion about Rohit’s statement as it was the youngsters that built the innings for India. During the first innings Nitish Kumar Reddy’s Century and Washington Sundar’s half century put India in a batter spot. Yashasvi Jaiswal’s 82 and 84 runs in the first and second innings was the reason that the top order could have some impact.
Rohit’s Unimpactful performance
After missing the Perth Test, Rohit has managed to score runs in double digits only once and that too only 10 in the 1st innings of the Brisbane Test. During the Adelaide Pink ball test the Hitman scored 3 and 6 runs in the 1st and 2nd innings respectively. Amidst the Melbourne test Rohit reflected significant struggle against the Australian bowlers as they managed to keep the skipper on the ropes. He scored 3 and 9 runs in the 1st and 2nd innings respectively.