Indian captain Rohit Sharma was part of the headlines during the ongoing Border-Gavaskar Trophy series due to his poor form and captaincy. The latter who has only scored 31 runs from five innings as of now in the ongoing BGT series opted out of the IND vs AUS 5th Test. Speaking to the official broadcasters, Rohit stated that the reason behind the decision was taken in keeping the team in mind. The Indian captain also addressed the claims of his retirement and added that he isn’t going anywhere. Former Indian cricketer Harbhajan Singh had praised Rohit for this step, however, he received backlash from social media users on ‘X’.
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Harbhajan Singh Gives Befitting Reply To User On ‘X’
Clashes between Harbhajan Singh and social media users aren’t new. There have been multiple instances when the former Indian off-spinner has engaged in a tweet battle. Such a battle took place when a user compared Rohit Sharma and MS Dhoni. The user in his tweet stated that MSD was a brilliant captain and had the guts to sideline out-of-form senior players in favour of the team. Harbhajan gave a jaw-dropping answer to this tweet and replied to the user. Harbhajan stated that he know who ran away and if he tells then everyone will start getting goosebumps. The post is mentioned below:
मैं जानता हूँ कौन भागा था 😎 याद दिलाऊँ ? कारण भी बताऊँगा . रोंगटे खड़े हो जाएँगे
---Advertisement---— Harbhajan Turbanator (@harbhajan_singh) January 4, 2025
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Harbhajan Singh came under the headlines in the past when he gave a statement about former Indian skipper MS Dhoni. Harbhajan has stated that MSD isn’t his friend and both individuals haven’t talked to each other for years. Harbhajan received both hate and support on his statement. On the other hand, talking Rohit Sharma, the past year was of full ups and downs for the Indian captain. The latter started off the year with 4-1 series win against whereas he ended up year with 3-0 loss to New Zealand at home and wasn’t able to win any match under his leadership in Australia.