Adani group chairman Gautam Adani met Indian chess sensation grand master Dommaraju Gukesh. Adani shared the glimpses of the meeting on his official ‘X’ handle. Apart from meeting Gukesh, Adani met his father, mother and other family members. Gukesh recently defeated China’s Ding Liren and won the World Chess Championship. For the first time after 2012, an Indian chess player became the World Chess Champion. Gukesh showcased brilliant determination throughout the match and ended up victorious.
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Gautam Adani Meets D Gukesh And Family
It was an absolute privilege to meet and hear the victory story of reigning World Chess Champion @DGukesh. Equally inspiring was meeting his incredible parents, Dr Rajinikanth and Dr Padmavathi, whose quiet sacrifices laid the foundation for his success.
— Gautam Adani (@gautam_adani) January 1, 2025
At just 18, Gukesh’s…
In his ‘X’ post, Gautam Adani heaped praise for D Gukesh and stated that it was an absolute privilege for him to meet the World Chess Champion. Adani added that Gukesh’s poise and determination are a testament for the India’s upcoming youth. The post read, “It was an absolute privilege to meet and hear the victory story of reigning World Chess Champion D Gukesh. Equally inspiring was meeting his incredible parents, Dr Rajinikanth and Dr Padmavathi, whose quiet sacrifices laid the foundation for his success.”
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“At just 18, Gukesh’s poise and brilliance are a testament to India’s unstoppable youth. Prodigies like him are inspiring a new generation, building an army of champions ready to dominate global chess for decades. This is the confident, resurgent and rising India. Jai Hind!“, the post added.
D Gukesh also registered the record of becoming the world’s youngest chess champion and received a lot of praise for his milestone from celebrities, politicians and other renowned people all across India. Gukesh also led the Indian men’s contingent which won the World Chess Olympiad earlier this year, and explains how the future of chess is in bright hands.