Tamil Nadu’s Narayan Jagadeesan put on a spectacular batting show in the pre-quarterfinal of the Vijay Hazare Trophy 2024-25, against Rajasthan. In a breathtaking over to Aman Shekhawat, Jagadeesan hit six consecutive boundaries: a thick outside edge, and then drove, cut, and pulled his way to a marvelous 29 runs off the over. However his aggressive start really helped Tamil Nadu reach 39 runs in two overs of chasing, whereafter Jagadeesan finished on 65 off 52 balls.
Who Is Narayan Jagadeesan?
Narayan Jagadeesan, the wicketkeeper-batter from Tamil Nadu, etched his name in history with a remarkable batting feat in the Vijay Hazare Trophy. The former Chennai Super Kings (CSK) player, who went unsold in the IPL 2025 auction, became the first ever batter to hit six consecutive fours in a single over in the tournament. This incredible display of batting came during Tamil Nadu’s pre-quarterfinal clash against Rajasthan at the Kotambi Stadium in Vadodara.
Watch: Narayan Jagadeesan Smashes 6 Fours In Single Over
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Vijay Hazare Trophy: Tamil Nadu Vs Rajasthan
Although he fought hard and along with him, Vijay Shankar compiled a good 49, Tamil Nadu could not reach the target of 268. It got bowled out for 248 in 47.1 overs, losing by 19 runs. Jagadeesan’s onslaught was well met by the bowlers as Shekhawat took 3/60, while Aniket Choudhary (2/40) and Kukna Ajay Singh (2/59) picked up crucial wickets.
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Earlier, Rajasthan had posted 267 in 47.3 overs, with Abhijeet Tomar starring with 111 off 125 balls, supported by captain Mahipal Lomror (60) and Kartik Sharma (35). Tamil Nadu bowlers, led by Varun Chakravarthy’s 5/62, kept them in the game but couldn’t stop Rajasthan’s total.